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Fillable Form Revocable Living Trust Form

A revocable living trust is created by a Grantor with the purpose of holding their assets and properties in order to dictate how the aforementioned assets and property will be distributed upon the Grantor's death.

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What is a Revocable Living Trust?

A Revocable Living Trust, or also referred to as the Grantor Trust or Inter-Vivos Trust, is created by a grantor with the purpose of holding his or her assets and properties in order to dictate how the aforementioned assets and property will be distributed upon his or her death. It can be altered, amended, or revoked by the grantor at any time as long as he or she is still alive.

How to fill out a Revocable Living Trust?

Get a copy of Revocable Living Trust Form template in PDF format.

Grantors can write their own Revocable Living Trust or download a PDF copy from a website that offers document templates. For convenience, they can also fill out the Revocable Living Trust electronically on PDFRun.

To fill out the Revocable Living Trust, you must provide the following information:

Title of Revocable Living Trust

Enter the title of your Revocable Living Trust.


Enter the current date using the format: Day-Month-Year.

Name of Grantor

Enter your full legal name.

Mailing Address of Grantor

Enter your mailing address.

Name of Trustee

Enter the full legal name of the trustee.

Mailing Address of Trustee

Enter the mailing address of the trustee.

Article 1. Name of the Trust

Enter the title of your trust. Then, mark the “is” box if this trust is an amendment to a prior Living Trust; otherwise, mark the “is not” box.

Article 2. Transfer of Property

You (the grantor) must transfer to the trust estate and assets described in Attachment A.

Article 3. Life of the Grantor

The trustee must hold, manage, and administer the trust estate and dispose of the net income and principal at your request.

Article 4. Death of the Grantor

Upon your death, the trustee must hold, administer, and dispose of the trust estate according to the following conditions:

a. Specific Distributions - Enter the names of the individuals or organizations who will receive the property.

b. Personal Property - Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the person or organization you wish to transfer your personal property to. You may select:

  • The beneficiaries
  • Specifically to - Enter the full legal name and residential address of the individual you would like to transfer your personal property to. Then, enter the last 4 digits of his or her social security number or tax identification number.

c. Pet Trust - Enter the full legal name and residential address of the individual you would like to entrust your pet to upon your death. Then, if that certain individual cannot take care of your pet, enter the full legal name and residential address of the individual you would like to possess the caretaking rights of your pet.

a. Care of Pet - The assigned individual is responsible for providing the pet food, veterinary care, insurance, temporary boarding, medication, cleanliness, and other necessary care.

b. Funding - Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the amount you will be setting aside for your pet. You may select:

i. Enter the amount in U.S. dollars

ii. No funding

c. Third Party Enforcement - Enter the full legal name and residential address of the individual you would like to inspect the caretaking of your pet and request an accounting for the funds that have been allocated.

d. Residuary Property - Enter information about the beneficiaries you would like to distribute your income and properties to. The instructions stated below will apply to all four beneficiaries.

  • Name - Enter the full legal name of your beneficiary.

  • Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number or Tax Identification Number - Enter the last 4 digits of your beneficiary’s social security number or tax identification number.

  • Address - Enter the residential address of your beneficiary.

e. Failure of All Beneficiaries - If your beneficiaries all fail, the trustee will transfer the trust estate to the person who is legally entitled to inherit it from you. Enter the state you are currently in.

f. Distribution to Any Person Who is Under the Age of 18 - The trustee may make the distribution free of all trusts to the minor if it is to be given to any person who is under the age of 18.

Article 5. Payment of Death Taxes, Administration Expenses, Etc.

The trustee will pay for your funeral expenses, administration expenses, debts, taxes, interests, penalties, and legacies upon your death. The trustee must also pay for your obligations in case your assets turn out to be insufficient for the expenses stated above. Furthermore, the trustee may ask for help from your legal representative to handle any necessary payments.

Article 6. Estate of Grantor

The trustee has the authority to use your income and principal from time to time as follows:

  • To purchase and to retain as investments any securities or other property, real or personal, belonging to your estate
  • To make loans or advances to the personal representative of the estate on reasonable terms
  • The trustee is not obligated to see the application of any funds paid over to the estate

Article 7. Trustee Powers

The trustee will have the power and authority to do the following:

a. Accept and receive property from you and from your estate

b. Collect income, interest, dividends, rents, and profits

c. Retain any part of the property he or she has received

d. Sell any of the property at public or private sale for cash or on credit

e. Borrow, mortgage, or pledge any real estate or personal property as security for loans

f. Foreclose by entry or otherwise, extend, assign, or give partial release of any mortgages and discharge mortgages or liens

g. Sign, seal, execute, and deliver all necessary conveyances and instruments regarding this trust

h. Grant options for the sale or exchange of any property

i. Vote in person or by proxy upon all stocks and other securities

j. Participate in any plan of reorganization, consolidation or merger, and to deposit any property under any plan

k. Hold securities or any real and personal property in the name of a nominee

l. Employ legal counsel and investment agents to decide whether or not to act upon their recommendations and to pay them reasonable compensation

m. Take any proceedings at law with reference to any matter concerning this trust

n. Take steps to do any act which may be necessary for the due care and management of the trust

o. Value all property to be divided at the current fair market values

p. Refuse to accept property as a trust asset if such property could result in a liability

q. Place any portion of the trust funds in any custodial account or agency account

r. Have dealings between separate trust shares including the purchase, sale or exchange of assets, or the borrowing or lending of money

s. Open and maintain checking or savings accounts

t. Make loans to any person upon reasonable terms

Article 8. Payment of Premiums

The trustee will not be bound to pay the premiums or other charges on any policy payable in this trust.

Article 9. Distribution by Trustee; Limitation on Exercise of Special Power of Appointment

The trustee has the authority to make payments or principal or income directly to deal with minors or to make payments for the benefit of the minors.

Article 10. Accounting

The trustee is allowed to accept property given by your legal representative. He or she will not have to review your estate administration.

Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to how many times accounting requests may be made by your beneficiaries. You may select:

  • Months
  • Years

Then, enter it in the space provided.

Article 11. Spendthrift Provisions

The interest of your beneficiaries will not be alienable, assignable, attachable, transferable, nor paid.

Article 12. Dealings with Third Parties

Any person, firm, corporation, or entity must always rely upon the trustee as being duly authorized in accordance with this trust.

Article 13. Successor Trustees and Other Provisions Dealing with Trustees

a. Enter the full legal name and mailing address of your first and second successor trustees.

b. Appointment of Co-Trustee by an Individual Trustee - Any individual trustee may appoint another person to serve as a co-trustee at any time.

c. Removal or Incapacity - During your lifetime, you have the right to remove any trustee.

d. Resignation of Trustee - Any trustee may resign by a notice in writing delivered to you if you are still living. After your death, the trustee must send the notice to all the current beneficiaries of the trust.

e. Certified Copies and Certificate of Trustee or Attorney at Law - A copy of this trust is considered certified after being notarized by a notary public.

f. Trustee’s Accountings - The trustee must render periodic accounts to the individuals entitled to receive income or principal from this trust.

g. Bond - You must state that the trustee is not required to furnish bond or surety on any bond

h. Successor Trustees or Co-Trustees - All rights, powers, and exemptions granted to the trustee will extend to any successor trustee or co-trustee.

i. Compensation of Trustee - Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to the compensation you will be giving the trustee. You may select:

  • No compensation whatsoever.
  • Be paid a reasonable fee from the Trust Estate based on the amount of time expended by such trustee in carrying out his or her duties. Any corporate trustee shall be paid a fee based upon its fee schedule from time to time that is required to be published.

j. Liability of an Individual Trustee - No individual trustee will be liable for any action taken or failure to act unless said action or failure to act was done in bad faith.

k. Corporate Trustee - The term “corporate trustee” will mean a trustee which is a banking institution or trust company.

Article 14. Governing Law

Enter the state where this trust is made and executed.

Article 15. Survival

Enter the number of days the benefiting party has survived you.

Article 16. Incapacity

If you have become incapacitated, the trustee will distribute the income and principal of the trust for the comfort, health, support, maintenace, and any additional care needed.

Article 17. Order of Death

Mark the appropriate box which corresponds to your status. You may select:

  • Is not married
  • Is married with the spouse known as (name of spouse) and therefore if their death occurs where it cannot be determined whether who died first, then the property and assets shall be transferred as follows:
    • Grantor Dies First - You will be determined as the person who has died first with your spouse being able to claim all of your properties, life insurance claims, and any other property in the same right.
    • Grantor Dies Second - You will be determined as the person who has died second with your spouse not being able to claim all of your properties, life insurance claims, and any other property in the same right.

Article 18. Children

Enter the full legal names of your children if applicable.

Article 19. Severability

If any wording or sentence is determined to be invalid, enforceable, or irrelevant for any reason, the remaining portions of this trust will remain legally valid and enforceable.

Article 20. Gender References

The use of a particular gender will include any other gender. Furthermore, any references to the singular or the plural will be interchangeable.

Article 21. Exclusion

Enter all of the individuals and organizations excluded from this trust.

Article 22. Power to Alter, Amend, or Revoke

You have the right to amend, alter, or revoke the trust at any time during your lifetime.

Grantor’s Signature

Affix your signature.

Grantor’s Name

Enter your full legal name.


Enter the current date of signing.

Trustee’s Signature

Have the trustee affix his or her signature.

Trustee’s Name

Enter the full legal name of the trustee.


Enter the current date of signing.

Successor Trustee’s Signature

Have the successor trustee affix his or her signature.

Successor Trustee’s Name

Enter the full legal name of the successor trustee.


Enter the current date of signing.

Self-Proving Affidavit

State of

Enter your state.

County of

Enter your county.

Grantor’s Signature

Affix your signature.

Trustee’s Signature

Have the trustee affix his or her signature.

Successor Trustee’s Signature

Have the successor trustee affix his or her signature.

2nd Successor Trustee’s Signature

Have the second successor trustee affix his or her signature.

Witness Signature

Have the witness affix his or her signature.

Witness Signature

Have the other witness affix his or her signature.

Notary Acknowledgment


Enter the current date of signing.

Grantor’s Name

Enter your full legal name.

Commission Expiry Date

Have the notary public enter the date his or her commission will expire.

Notary Public’s Name

Have the notary public enter his or her full legal name.

Attachment A

Enter all of the assets you wish to transfer to the trustee.

Start filling out a Revocable Living Trust Form sample and export in PDF.


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